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Welcome to the homepage of the University of Computer Science and Economics in Olsztyn.
Our University of applied sciences, founded in 1997,  counts among the biggest in the Polish Warmian and Mazurian district.


Presently we offer study programmes in the following fields:

First cycle studies (Bachelor’s degree): Economy, Pedagogy, Administration;

Second cycle studies (Master’s degree): Economy, Pedagogy.


Our educational institution provides postgraduate education in the courses of study on offer (both Bachelor and Master) and in related sciences.


The rapid changes of our social and economic realities present new challenges every day. Today’s business life, based on intensified application of knowledge, incites not only the implementation of  innovative study programmes  but equally motivates the initiation of connections with the world of business and bodies of the public and private sector. In order to enhance the learning process we partially implement e-learning programmes in our study courses.


As we aim to continually improve the quality of our educational offer and the transfer of knowledge we co-operate with Polish and foreign universities. We take an active part in international programmes in order to keep our teaching and administrative staff as well as our students informed about the latest scientific insights, enhance their respective professional skills and qualifications.


Herewith I would like to encourage  lecturers from foreign universities which are interested to co-operate with us, to give lectures at our university. Likewise I warmly invite you to participate in our scientific conferences. We offer foreign students a module of our study-programme in English as well as a vocational internship with one of our organisational units.


We are eager to cooperate in the following projects:


  • student and academic staff mobility (Erasmus+),
  • curriculum development,
  • double diploma (Bachelor and Master),
  • co-operation in research projects,
  • participation in scientific conferences and seminaries,
  • scientific publications in periodicals of partner universities,
  • scientific consultations,
  • exchange of manuals, lecture notes and scripts, didactic computer programmes,
  • cooperation in the development of didactic materials.



I cordially invite you to co-operation and joint activities.


Sincerely yours,

Agnieszka Górska, PhD



all Wydział Nauk Humanistyczno Społecznych i Technicznych Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Filia Wydział Zamiejscowy w Kętrzynie

Olsztyńska Szkoła Wyższa jest uczelnią o profilu praktycznym. Kształcenie odbywa się na studiach licencjackich (pierwszego stopnia), inżynierskich, jednolitych magisterskich i magisterskich (drugiego stopnia) - w formie studiów stacjonarnych, niestacjonarnych oraz hybrydowych.   

Nasza oferta edukacyjna dostosowywana jest do potrzeb rynku i zmian zachodzących w wymiarze lokalnym jak i globalnym. Projektowanie i wdrażanie programów kształcenia odbywa się we współpracy z naszymi partnerami z obszaru gospodarki, administracji publicznej, placówek zdrowotnych itp, skupionych w Radzie Konsultacyjnej ds. Społeczno-Gospodarczych. 

Oferujemy kształcenie na kierunkach: administracja, filologia angielska, fizjoterapia, informatyka, kosmetologia, logistyka, pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna, wychowanie fizyczne oraz zarządzanie. Naszym celem jest zapewnienie jak najwyższej jakości kształcenia w najbardziej poszukiwanych zawodach. 



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